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About Me
Racquetball was first introduced to me through
my mother. I was young about 10 years, and she was taking a racquetball
class through the local college. I had never played any kind of racquet
sport and didn't really understand it at first. We would play a game called
Cut Throat, which involves three players and a method of rotating around
the court so that everyone played every position. Find out more about
Cut Throat in our Racquetball Rules section. Anyway after about 3 or 4
games I was hooked. I tried playing tennis after, but there was something
about Racquetball that I absolutely loved. I think it was the fact that
your boundaries aren't just white lines, they are walls and you can't
miss them. It is a really good sport for anyone looking to exercise and
have fun at the same time. Throughout the years and I played more and
more. I still play often, and am always looking for great new gear, and
new challenges. I hope that you would take the time to look at the information
here and hopefully give racquetball a try if you have not already.
I welcome all comments
and suggestions, this is still a new site and I need surfers feedback.
If there is anything at all you can email me directly at support@racquetballequipmentsite.com.
I will respond in a timely manner and no comment will go unread. Once
again any comments are greatly welcome. Thanks for visiting and supporting
this site.